Authentication Certificates
A PersonalSign Digital Certificate is a Digital ID issued to an entity (i.e. individual or a department) that helps to prove that entity’s identity. The Digital ID binds an individual’s verified identity (typically including the name, company name and email address of the Digital ID owner) to a unique cryptographic credential. PersonalSign Certificates identify, prove and contain different levels of information which are defined as classes.
Each class represents the level of identity verification - from simple email verification to full identity assurance. PersonalSign Certificates allow individuals and organizations to represent their digital identities through the use of digital signatures in many applications - from secure email to two factor authentication to document signing.
Each class represents the level of identity verification - from simple email verification to full identity assurance. PersonalSign Certificates allow individuals and organizations to represent their digital identities through the use of digital signatures in many applications - from secure email to two factor authentication to document signing.