PKI for Mobile

In many respects, mobile devices are no different than remote PCs when it comes to requiring strong authentication to securely authenticate users to enterprise networks, such as WiFi and VPNs. Certificate-based authentication via CableSat’s Managed PKI platform provides an easy and cost efficient solution that allows organizations to balance employee desires to access email and corporate data on the go, and the need to protect unauthorized access to key business applications.

Enhance Mobile Security with PKI

PKI is a known and trusted security technology that organizations have been using for decades to authenticate users, machines, and servers within their organizations. Expanding PKI to devices creates an easy to implement and cost effective identity management solution for devices.

Digital Certificates can be used on mobile devices for:
  • Email Encryption and Signing
Encrypt and digitally sign email communications sent via devices, ensuring privacy of sensitive information and proof of authorship/message origin.
  • Email Authentication
Enable email authentication for 24 x 7 email access without leaving email accounts vulnerable to intruders, only authorized devices will be able to access your corporate email servers.
  • VPN and Wi-Fi Authentication
Replace weak and vulnerable username and passwords with multi-factor authentication for corporate Wi-Fi and VPN connections, only approved devices will be able to access your enterprise connections.


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